Monday, October 8, 2012


Looking young for your age has its benefits, I'm sure. However, I have yet to discover them.

I've worked at a middle school for two weeks and a day. People have mistaken me for a middle schooler not once, not twice, but thrice. Yes. On three different occasions, people have looked at my face and assumed that I've been alive for thirteen years or less.

Apparently, when you look like you're 13, middle school boys start thinking it's ok to hit on you and ask you out. I see some students who are not on my caseload pretty regularly. One of these seventh grade boys approached me the other day.

"Are you from DC?" he smirked.
"Umm... nope," I responded.  
"'Cuz you're the only 'ten' I see!" He burst into embarrassed laughter and ran away with his friend.

I didn't know how to react. Obviously our little Don Juan needs to practice his pick-up lines.

The real line is: "Are you from Tennessee? Because you're the only 'ten' I see!"

Not DC.
Not even close.

The same kid asked me out later that day, and I simply stared at him in shock.

This is my life.